Associate Member
Phoenix P-12 Community College (PC)
Address: Hertford Street, Sebastopol Victoria 3356
Postal Address: P.O. Box 49, Sebastopol, Victoria 3356
Phone: (03) 5329 3293
Founded: 2011 with the amalgamation of Sebastopol College and Redan Primary School.
Principal: Ms Karen Snibson
Email: Karen.Snibson@education.vic.gov.au
Child Safe Officer: Deanne Joosten- Assistant Principal
Email: deanne.joosten@education.vic.gov.au
Motto: “In Knowledge there is Opportunity”
Colours: Black, Purple and Gold
School Contact | Sport Assistant |
Andrew Hooper Phone: (03) 5329 3293 / Mobile: 0409 137 978 Email: Andrew.Hooper@education.vic.gov.au | Sean Robinson Phone: 0473 218472 Email: |
Website: https://www.phoenix.vic.edu.au/